
GDPR Health Check

Identify how your business stands in relation to data protection legislation

“If you have to learn about GDPR and Cyber security I highly recommend Trust Hogen, they has a wealth of experience and makes what’s sometimes a boring topic engaging.”

Identify Your Business GDPR Gaps

Ever wonder how compliant you are with GDPR?

Identify how your business stands in relation to data protection legislation with our GDPR health check.

With all the changes taking place in the world of data protection, it is imperative that you assess your current privacy posture. Trust Hogen has designed an innovative Health Check process to help organisations identify any issues they may have.

By identifying gaps in your business’s GDPR, you will be able to improve your organisation’s compliance and improve your data security.

Follow the link to learn more about our cyber security & data protection services.


Our Approach

We offer a comprehensive Privacy Risk Assessment Service which includes an initial Discovery Exercise determining the current privacy posture.

This service includes gap analysis followed by devising an intricately detailed Roadmap identifying vulnerabilities and suggested recommendations for how best to protect yourself from fines or other consequences that might result should things go wrong.

Our GDPR health check will help you identify areas of GDPR non-compliance, understand the GDPR requirements and develop an action plan to ensure GDPR compliance.

It is designed to provide a complete overview of the organisation’s GDPR state through the identification of current GDPR conformance issues, determining levels of risk exposure and recommending corrective measures for GDPR compliance.

Our GDPR health check is tailored to your organisation’s needs, taking into consideration its size, industry sector and GDPR requirements. With our GDPR Health Check service you can be assured of a comprehensive GDPR assessment which will identify opportunities for GDPR compliance improvement as well as areas where more attention is needed.

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