The 5 Types of Vulnerability Scanning (And When to Use Each)
Protect your company from cyber attacks and learn about the five scans that could identify weaknesses in your computer, network and applications in this article!
Why is Penetration Testing Important? (2023)
Penetration testing is a core tool in any security arsenal. But how does it work and are there different types? Read this post to find out everything you need to know!
The 5 Stages of Pen Testing: What to Expect and How to Prepare
Penetration testing, or “pen testing,” is a process that helps organisations identify and fix vulnerabilities in their data security. It can be broken down into five stages: reconnaissance, scanning, enumeration, penetration, and reporting. If you’re responsible for the security of your company’s data, you know that penetration testing is a critical part of keeping your […]
What is Penetration Testing & How Can You Benefit from it?
Pen testing, or ethical hacking, is the practice of launching simulated cyberattacks in order to identify exploitable vulnerabilities in computer systems, networks, websites, and applications. It’s a process that can help you strengthen your cyber security posture and protect your business from malicious actors. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the benefits of pen testing […]